Friday, June 6, 2014

Ishpeming, Michigan

We arrived in Ishpeming, Michigan May 31, 2014 and stayed at Country Village RV Park. on 41 W Country Lane.
The weather was not good, very cloudy and lots of rain but we still had a great time. Being with good camping buddies make it fun even in lousy weather.
One day we did drive into Wisconsin so we could put this on our map. On the way back we ate at a great restaurant that served breakfast buffet until 3 o'clock so yes we pigged out on biscuits, gravy, eggs, salads, desserts french toast and lots of good coffee.
Food becomes important and we seem to eat a lot of it. A big thank you to Carol for wonderful southern fried potatoes and Rachel for Salmon patties, and myself for sweet potato cobbler. We definetely brought the south to Michigan.

During our visit we saw ice still floating in Lake Superion. Brrrr

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